
By public transport

Bus 173 from the train station Immenhausen direction Holzhausen, bus stop Immenhausen Pfadfinderheim.

Timetable information on the homepage of the Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund: NVV: Home


By bike

Immenhausen is located on the Reinhardswaldradweg and the Märchenland-Radrundweg.

The Märchenland-Radrundweg runs within sight of the Zentrum Pfadfinden.

From Kassel's north via Vellmar and Espenau through Immenhausen lead beautiful country bike paths with great views.


By car

Address for navigation system: Kesselhaken 23, 34376 Immenhausen

Coordinates: 51.439031, 9.509966

We assume that you will arrive by public transport and that carpools will be formed. There is only a limited number of parking spaces available.