Sustainable. Fair. Local.

Our nutritional concept is an important component of the holistic environmental education at the Immenhausen Scouting Center. It is a great challenge to introduce children and young people to a sustainable and environmentally conscious nutritional practice.

We buy and cook according to the principles of the BdP food charter: seasonal, fresh, regional, and, if possible, organic quality. Frozen products and frequent meat dishes are avoided as far as possible. Our aim is to create a delicious, tasty menu that arouses curiosity, appeals to the senses, and encourages imitation. Enabling children and young people to help prepare parts of their meals under supervision also plays an important role in this process.

Full and Partial Board

The Immenhausen Scouting Center offers three meals with full board at the following times:

  • breakfast at 8.00 am
  • lunch at noon
  • coffee and cake at 4.00 pm (optional)
  • dinner at 6.00 pm

If you are unable to keep these meal times - in particular dinner on Friday at the beginning of a weekend event - please let us know in good time so that we can discuss alternatives with you.

Groups who wish to be fully catered for in our center must have a minimum of 10 participants. If you have special wishes such as:

  • vegetarian or vegan food,
  • no pork,
  • a barbecue in the evening instead of dinner,
  • packed lunches because you're planning a day trip,

please let us know two weeks prior to your arrival, if possible, so that we can plan accordingly in the kitchen.

During the meals we ask for your help in the form of table service (setting the tables, serving food, clearing and cleaning the tables).